My daughter Nicola has competed since the age of 4 and Felicity started her showing career at the age of 3. We are all passionate about dogs and horses.

Me on Second Chance and Nicola on Snippetts at a 1971 show. And Nicola competing aged 10.

Nicola and Carver Doone, And another good day winning the show pony class on Fair Delilah.

Nicola taking second place Cross Country with Brinner and myself on Brinner.

Me out with Mid Devon Hunt on Show horse Ebonita who won many championships under saddle, including Reserve Best in show at the South West Arab Championship show in Exeter in the '70s. Judge Mr Finn Guiness. And me with Rouble Express.

Here we have Nicola on Golden Twilight winner of numerous champ shows in Ridden Hunter and Working Hunter classes. Felicity schooling in Malaysia.

Nicola in Malaysia being presented to the Vice President of the country.

Grandaughter Felicity at Shellyhams and competing in Malaysia aged 6 on Cloud in the Premier Cup Final in 2000 and winning the strong Prix Caprilli Class competing against 20 adult riders. The internet report called her the 'darling of the show'.

And here Felicity winner of her class at the Dublin Horse Show.

In their absence I organised local horse shows and carried on riding for pleasure until my last hourse 'Rouble Express' (above left) passed away in 2008. This is me on Rouble Express at Shellyhams and off to enjoy Dartmoor on Russian Gold (above right)

Nicola on Golden Twilight and me at a schooling session on Rouble Express ex racing mare.